Key to success for any business is managing overheads, and with running costs and the price of raw materials rising, it’s never been more important to monitor budgets and work as efficiently as possible.

This includes looking for ways to streamline operations and automate processes, and, for many, investing in an automatic labelling system ticks both of these boxes.

The hidden costs of manual labelling

Manual labelling is often the first choice for companies looking for a cost-effective option, but whilst it might seem like a straightforward solution, labelling by hand isn’t always as budget-friendly as you might expect. There are a number of hidden costs, including:

  • Labour – Manual labelling is a time and labour-intensive process – time that you’re paying for. And while workers are doing these kinds of repetitive, manual tasks, they’re not focused on things that can add real value such as product development, making additional sales or increasing production levels.
  • Wastage – It’s inevitable that mistakes will be made, the only question is how much will these cost you? If incorrect labels are applied, they have to be reprinted and reapplied, taking time and using more materials.
  • Fines—There’s another potential cost associated with labelling errors: fines for non-compliance. By law, labels have to include certain information and if these are missing, it can be a serious offence. Products may have to be recalled and destroyed, and hefty fines can be issued.
  • Lost sales – When labels are applied manually there are limits on production capacity: a human can only work so fast or for so many hours before needing a break. This puts restrictions on the amount of product that can be packed and shipped at any one time.

How print and apply labelling reduces costs

One solution to these problems is to invest in a print and apply labelling system. This equipment automates the labelling process, significantly increasing speed and efficiency. Advantages include:

  • Improved productivity – because machines can work at a faster rate than humans, without breaks, holidays or illness, automatic labelling reduces downtime and increases production volumes.
  • Better accuracy – the likelihood of labels being misprinted or wrongly applied is reduced, minimising the need for reprints and the associated costs and delays.
  • Enhanced compliance – print and apply systems can be programmed to ensure compliance with different labelling regulations and standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Fewer recalls – fewer errors and better compliance means mass recalls are much less likely. This brings a number of benefits as not only are costs reduced, but business and brand reputation is more likely to be maintained.
  • More scalability—print and apply systems are easy to adapt to your customers’ fluctuating demands and your business’s changing needs, accommodating increased production volumes without significant additional investment.
  • Greater customer satisfaction – many of these benefits (more accuracy, better compliance, more efficient production) lead to greater customer satisfaction, more loyalty and ultimately higher sales.

A cost-effective solution

Although a print and apply system requires some upfront investment, by increasing labelling speed and accuracy and ensuring compliance, these systems can help businesses become more efficient and save money overall.

Need a budget price? Get in touch for a free consultation.